Requirements of journals for publications

The journals are indexed in Scopus

1. Journal «Automation and Remote Control»

Link to journal:
Topics (suitable topics of the 1st and 3d sections of the Conference)
The journal «Automation and Remote Control» publishes the results of scientific research in the field of theory and practice of automatic control on the following topics: 

  1. Linear systems
  2. Nonlinear systems
  3. Stochastic systems
  4. Robust, adaptive and network control
  5. Control in technical systems
  6. Control in social-economics systems
  7. Intelligent control systems, data analysis
  8. Optimization, System analysis and Operation research
  9. Requirements file(application)

Submission process: Journal "Automatika i Telemekhanika" accepts articles in Russian language only. The related title "Automation and Remote Control" contains exclusively scientific papers translated from Russian language to English.

2. Informatics and Automation Magazine

Link to journal:
Topics (suitable topics of the 3d and 4th sections of the Conference)
Informatics and Automation Magazine publishes the results of scientific research on the following topics: 

  1. Mathematical modeling and applied mathematics
  2. Artificial intelligence, data and knowledge engineering
  3. Digital information and communication technologies
  4. Robotics, automation and control systems
  5. Information security

Submission process: after the expert approves the extended abstracts, these abstracts are finalized to the article in accordance with the requirements and sent for further review via the journal's website. Before submitting the paper add comment «Materials of the Engineering and Telecommunications Conference (En&T-2023)» to your abstract. Further review of the work takes place through the journal system.

Detailed registration requirements are available via the link on our website

Full article must be sent for initial review to the journal system by November 10, 2023

3. Journal «Computer Optics»

Link to journal:
Topics (suitable topics of the 1st section of the Conference)
The journal «Computer Optics» accepts for publication articles not previously published on the main thematic sections:

  1. Diffraction optics
  2. Information optical technologies; nanophotonics and optics of nanostructures
  3. Image analysis and understanding, pattern recognition
  4. Geoinformation technologies
  5. Digital signal and image processing
  6. Encoding and protection of information
  7. Earth remote sensing technologies
  8. Hyperspectral data analysis
  9. Numerical methods of computer optics
  10. Intelligent analysis of video streams

Submission process: regular articles devoted to a specific section of the specified topic: a description of the problem, the results of modeling the process or effect obtained directly by the authors. After the expert approves the extended abstracts, the author completes the work in accordance with the requirements of the journal to the full article and after the expert's repeated review, the work is sent for approval with the journal. Primary requirements:

  1. The volume of the article is up to 10 pages (when submitting an article in TEX format – up to 20 pages)
  2. The recommended share of the original text is 70%
  3. Self–citation of the authors of the article - no more than 20%

Rules for manuscripts preparation

4. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics

Link to journal:
Topics (suitable topics of the 2nd section of the Conference)
Articles on a wide range of theoretical and applied problems of radio electronics, communications and physical electronics are published. The thematic sections of the journal cover all the most important areas of radio engineering and electronics, such as:

  1. Radio engineering
  2. Radio wave propagation
  3. Physical problems of electronics
  4. Solid state electronics
  5. Electrodynamics
  6. Biomedical radio electronics
  7. Mathematical models in radio electronics problems
  8. Nonlinear wave dynamics in radio electronics
  9. Radar information methods and elements
  10. Radio electronics related problems

Requirements for the registration of articles (download will start automatically)

Example (download will start automatically)

Submission process: after the expert and the journal approve the extended abstracts, the author completes the work in accordance with the requirements of the journal to the full article and after the expert's repeated review, the work is sent for approval with the journal.